How to handle harping in the workplace

We all know that person, the one who always presents a million reasons why something won’t work, without suggesting a workable solution themselves. In psychoanalytical parlance, such people are called harpers. “It is helpful to have somebody who is able to identify risks, stumbling blocks and problems,” says Evalex’s Hendrik Bronkhorst. “However, when someone identifies stumbling blocks with little att...

Evalex Leadership Assessment solution at a glance

The Evalex, leadership assessment is one of the most advanced and comprehensive solutions on the market, comprising six assessment centre simulations and seven psychometric questionnaires. Our product offering is detailed in the infographic below, or in this PDF. More details of our service offering are available on our website. ...

Ability and business acumen: two sides of the same coin

So often we come across people who are really good at their jobs, but flounder when they are promoted or given more responsibility. On the other end of the scale is the employee who has an incredible amount of potential or technical skill, but lacks the breadth of knowledge or general leadership skills required for a management position. What do we do with these individuals in our organisation? “Many companie...

Does your personality affect the quality of your business decisions?

Research by Evalex into the decision-making capabilities of more than 500 managers reveals some interesting findings. Most notably, our research reveals that certain personality traits are predictors of decision-making capability, and therefore can predict the level at which an individual can function within an organisation. “Using the Wizard Statistical program, we discovered strong correlation coefficients, ...

Your leadership assessment feedback is in your inbox

Evalex provides leadership and psychometric assessment feedback directly to candidates via email, allowing them to peruse their results in their own time. As human beings, we love finding out about ourselves. On the one end of the scale we see a flood of personal tests on social media – things like “Which Harry Potter character are you?”, or “What is the colour of your aura, and what does it say abo...

The professional still matters

We live in a world where technology is everywhere. If your business does not incorporate technological methods to make things smarter, faster and more efficient, your existence is probably in danger. But beware of relying on tech only, particularly when it comes to predicting performance in the workplace. Evalex recently conducted some in-house research based on data collected from our own work done with v...

When cognitive ability runs out of steam

Cognitive testing has long been the cornerstone in any assessment process when evaluating and promoting candidates at all levels in an organisation. But although cognitive ability is a good indicator for career progress, its predictive value starts losing efficacy as candidates move to higher levels of work. Evalex recently analysed the assessment results of thousands of managers and business leaders assessed th...

New website for Evalex

Evalex has launched a new, modern website that showcases our vast array of human capital management solutions, and our large body of research. Since Evalex was founded in 1980 we have always made sure to stay ahead of the technology curve when it comes to our solutions. Unfortunately we were not as diligent when it came to our website! And so earlier this year we decided the time had come to do something about i...

Knysna Sport School riding high with Evalex

Evalex is a proud sponsor of the cycling development programme at the Kynsna Sport School. The programme gives children from disadvantaged communities the opportunity to participate in a number of sports, including cricket, hockey, soccer, tag rugby, golf, cycling, tennis and athletics. “The programme aims to bring the kids to match standard and place them in teams that are entered in school fixtures and annual...

Examining the predictive value of Evalex20

At Evalex we do continuous research into the psychometric properties of our full range of assessment systems. What follows is a report on one of our research projects. This one examines the predictive validity of the Evalex20 behavioural system. The reason why most organisations choose to do some form of assessment (be it cognitive, personality, EQ, business competencies or any other construct) is to assess the p...

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