High Impact Corporate Leadership

high-impactSince our launch in 1980, our team has assessed the leadership competencies, thought leadership, emotional maturity, cognitive abilities, personality, styles and interests of around 10 000 leaders from 500+ organisations in more than 30 countries. In the process we have been exposed to good and bad leaders in organisations with both high and low growth indicators. Using data gathered from these assessments, plus a dedicated research study involving 300 CEOs of high performance organisations, we have developed a bespoke programme for the assessment and development of high impact corporate leaders in the modern world of work.

As part of our research we studied the characteristics of those executives who had escalated to senior roles and had had significant impact on their organisations. We unpacked these observations to isolate the generic competencies, thought processes, behavioural patterns, personality traits, managerial styles, management processes and practices of highly successful, top-level business leaders and managers, who we call high impact corporate leaders. At a sufficient level of abstraction, these business leaders and their organisations have a lot in common with each other, irrespective of country of operation, job type or industry.

Our theory on high impact corporate leadership serves as the foundation upon which the Evalex Leadership Assessment Programme and Masters of Management Programme were modelled.

Leadership Development Process

At Evalex we have been developing high performance leaders, teams and companies since 1980. Our exposure to the phenomenon of high performance has allowed us to conceptualise, develop and hone effective processes that have evolved over time based on research and experience.

Whether applied to the individual, the team or the company, the test of time has proven to be effective and impactful.

Team Performance Workshops are one of the ways in which we gather data and teach individuals how to apply the theory of high performance into their specific workplace scenarios.


The actual career track record of an individual – the progression from one level of work to the next level of complexity, combined with the staying power at that next level, only to be promoted to deal with an even higher level of complexity – may well be the ultimate measure of leadership success.

In analysing the characteristics of close on 1 000 CEOs, COOs and executive committee members with a proven track record of business leadership, we extracted the distilled essence of what catalysed them to become high impact corporate leaders. The commonality in their leadership competence, thought leadership, personalities, management styles, values and interests were isolated and reconstructed as a model of the composition of the psychological make-up of those who escalate to the top levels in organisations.

This model serves as the basis for the Evalex Leadership Assessment Solution, the Masters of Management Development Programme, the Evalex Coaching Programme and our 360 Leadership Assessment.

Evalex Leadership Assessment and Coaching

The Evalex Leadership Assessment and Coaching consists of two stages. The Evalex Leadership Assessment diagnoses the development areas and these are developed during the coaching sessions that follow.

In this way, the coach and candidate can immediately zoom in on the critical issues without delay and achieve impactful management behavioural changes on the job.

The coaching sessions are typically one to two hours per fortnight and the number of sessions is dependent on the nature of the interventions required.

The Evalex Leadership Assessment involved here is the Evalex35

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