Level of Work Test
Level of work tests refers to assessment instruments that can predict the level of complexity at which an individual can function at. Evalex offers two products, the Business Comprehension Test (BCT) and Decision Effectiveness Simulation offered through the Evalex Talent Assessment System.

Levels of Work
Evalex’s assessment solutions have been designed and developed to assess key drivers of performance at the seven levels of work identified by Elliot Jacques.

Evalex Talent Assessment System
Evalex offers one of the most advanced and integrated assessment systems on the market.

Cognitive Functioning: Business Comprehension Test
BCT interrogates comprehension capability across five key cognitive processes, comparing an individual’s comprehension levels with the level of complexity inherent in a given position.

Decision Effectiveness
Evalex Decision Effectiveness is an instrument carefully designed to assess and evaluate the cognitive processes involved in problem analysis and decision making that combine to determine decision effectiveness.